Make The Most Of Your Assets
When it comes to asset protection, you might feel like you need a master’s in business to figure it out. Fortunately, that is not the case because the attorneys of the Center for Elder Law & Estate Planning already do. We have helped thousands of clients preserve their assets. While estate planning sounds like it is all about what happens once you pass on, we want to help you protect your assets and property while you are alive as well, so you can enjoy them now.
There are ways to protect your assets from lawsuits, creditors your children owe, former spouses seeking alimony post-divorce and more. We can do this through setting up irrevocable trusts, limited liability companies (LLCs) and family partnerships, and by using other shelters.
Now It’s Time to Protect What You’ve Saved
While financial planners can help you save, a lawyer who has an MBA and is skilled at asset and wealth preservation can help you protect.
Over the years, we have incorporated asset protection and wealth preservation into clients’ overall estate planning process. Part of that can include avoiding the time delay and expense of probate court. A comprehensive plan that achieves this can be accomplished at one law firm.
Ask Us About Your Estate Options
We offer free consultations, so contact us and ask any questions you may have. Call our firm at 888-784-0864 or contact us online to set up a time to meet.
Our office is in Weymouth, and we serve clients in the Boston area and throughout eastern Massachusetts.